Thank you for being here. A simple idea that I had based on my affection for our family cottage and the memories that four generations have created there has struck a chord with people around the world. As we struggle with today’s many uncertainties it turns out that Happitude is a great reminder of how important the simple things in life are…family and friends and the places that bring us together. Happitude has been fortunate to receive some enthusiastic press over the last year and those articles have been positive in a number of ways. The people that we have met because of them, the stories that they have shared and the places we have visited (virtually) have made all of this worthwhile. So, in an effort to spread the word on a whole new level and to be seen in the best of company, Happitude will now be able to say, “As seen in The New Yorker“. There is nothing like an hour or two of personal time with this enriching magazine and I am very excited to see how my fellow readers respond. Though this initial ad is small (shown here actual size) I hope that it will help to spread the word about Happitude in a big way. UPDATE 2012: I originally posted this in 2008 and it turned out to be very successful. I had hoped that “today’s many uncertainties” would no longer be an appropriate reference, but… Regardless, Happitude is still here, having fun and helping people connect!